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DWA Reptile List

Family Alligatoridae: All species. Alligators and caimans.
Family Crocodylidae: All species. Crocodiles and the false gharial.
Family Gavialidae: All species. The gharial (otherwise known as the gavial).
Lizards and snakes

Family Atractaspididae:

All species of the genus Atractaspis.

Burrowing asps, also known as mole or burrowing vipers and stiletto snakes.

Family Colubridae.

All species of the genera Malpolon and Thelotornis.

The species Dispholidus typus, Rhabdophis subminiatus, Rhabdophis tigrinus, Elapomorphus lemniscatus, Philodryas olfersii,

Tachymenis peruviana and Xenodon severus.

Certain rear-fanged venomous snakes, Montpellier snakes and African vine snakes (otherwise known as African twig or bird snakes).

The boomslang, the red-necked keelback, the yamakagashi (otherwise known as the Japanese tiger-snake), the Argentine black-headed snake, the South American green racer, the Peruvian racer and the Amazon false viper.

Family Elapidae: All species. Certain front-fanged venomous snakes including cobras, coral snakes, kraits, mambas, whipsnakes and all Australian poisonous snakes (including the death adders).
Family Hydrophiidae: All species. Sea snakes.
Family Helodermatidae: All species. The gila monster and the (Mexican) beaded lizard.
Family Viperidae: All species. Certain front-fanged venomous snakes (including adders, the barba amarilla, the bushmaster, the fer-de-lance, moccasins, rattlesnakes and vipers).